- From: Miles, AJ \(Alistair\) <A.J.Miles@rl.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 19:21:30 -0000
- To: "Antoine Isaac" <aisaac@few.vu.nl>
- Cc: <public-swd-wg@w3.org>
Hi Antoine, Thanks a lot for these comments, really helpful. A couple of remarks... > - semantic conditions (general) I've got a big remark there, > coming in my reply to Quentin. Notice that it is valid for > transitivity of skos:broader, but also similarly applies to > disjointness of skos:Concept and owl:Class. I really think > you should clarify what you mean by "interpreting" there. To > me, it should not be asserting triples changing the semantics > of SKOS constructs. Do you mean that you think the SKOS Reference should say things like, "do not assert x y z..."? If that is what you mean, then I don't think you can prevent anyone from asserting triples. All I think you can do is put semantic conditions in the normative specification which would make certain statements inconsistent with the normative semantics. E.g. if you *don't* want people to say skos:Concept rdfs:subClassOf owl:Class. then you have to put something in the normative semantics which would make the statement inconsistent, e.g. skos:Concept owl:disjointWith owl:Class. I think you have to accept that people can make any statement whatsoever which is consistent with the normative semantics, and still "conform" to the standard. > - semantic (paradigmatic) relations. I still don't get why > the semantic relationship would be "paradigmatic". Or more > precisely, why labelling properties or documentation > properties would not be paradigmatic as well. But that's just > a detail ;-) The term "paradigmatic" comes from the BS 8723 standard. "Paradigmatic" relations, which are inherent in the meaning of concepts, are distinguished from "syntagmatic" relations, which occur when two concepts are both subjects of the same document (if I've remembered correctly :). If "paradigmatic" is not helpful to the wider community then I'm happy to drop it. Cheers, Al. -- Alistair Miles Research Associate Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0QX United Kingdom Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman Email: a.j.miles@rl.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440
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