Re: [SKOS]: [ISSUE 44] BroaderNarrowerSemantics

Hi Alistair,

> Hi Antoine,
> A quick question...
>> He might for instance not grant any importance to 
>> hierarchical display, but be just interested in query 
>> reformulation along the complete hierarchy, because he things 
>> his structure is clean enough for this. And he might want to 
>> use a standard SKOS query reformulation service (plugged on 
>> his RDFS-enabled semantic store) based on skos:broader, and 
>> not to create his own.
> What do you mean by "query reformulation"? Is it the same as "query expansion"? How does a "standard SKOS query reformulation service" work?

Well I don't know in absolute, but for the sake of the argument I assume 
it's the same. A "query reformulation service" would for instance take a 
(query) concept as input, and deliver a bunch of specialized concepts to 
re-send against a query engine. "standard" here that he would use 
standard SKOS information, e.g. skos:broader



Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2007 17:29:49 UTC