meeting record: 2006-11-07 SWD telecon

The record of today's meeting [1] is now available for review.
A text snapshot follows at the end of this message.



   1. Admin
   2. F2F January 22-23?
   3. Introduction
   4. SKOS Requirements
   5. Other Short-Term Deliverables
   6. AOB; ISWC feedback

Summary of Resolutions

RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the 31 Oct telecon:

RESOLVED Next telecon will be 14 November, 1600 UTC

RESOLVED SWD will meet face-to-face at MIT on 22-23 Jan 2007, with remote participation facilities

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Alistair propose a format for presenting use cases [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Alistair work with the UCR editors to draft questions to invite the esw-thes mailing list to contribute to the use cases and requirements [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Guus cite some examples of other Requirements documents [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Jon, Daniel, Antoine figure out their individual roles as SKOS Requirements editors [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Ralph point Jon, Daniel, Antoine at the W3C tech report editors materials [recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Tom to discuss changing telecon time with Guus [recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Alistair give pointers to deployed SKOS systems. [recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft [recorded in [19]] [recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Elisa to keep us posted as SKOS/iso 11179 compatibility issue evolves [recorded in [36]] [recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Ralph consider a tutorial on scribe conventions [recorded in]

[DONE] ACTION: Elisa to post announcement to SWD list [recorded in [37]] [recorded in]


                                SWD WG

7 Nov 2006



   See also: [3]IRC log, previous [4]2006-10-31



          Tom Baker, Ralph Swick, Daniel Rubin, Bernard Horan, Antoine
          Isaac, Diego Berreuta, Alistair Miles, Guus Schreiber, Jon
          Phipps, Guus Schreiber

          Sean Bechhofer, Elisa Kendall




     * [5]Topics
         1. [6]Admin
         2. [7]F2F January 22-23?
         3. [8]Introduction
         4. [9]SKOS Requirements
         5. [10]Other Short-Term Deliverables
         6. [11]AOB; ISWC feedback
     * [12]Summary of Action Items

1. Admin

   RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the 31 Oct telecon:


   ACTION: Ralph consider a tutorial on scribe conventions [recorded in


   Tom: I've started some [15]notes on scribing. Ralph and I will work
   on filling in some of the gaps on this


   ACTION: Tom to discuss changing telecon time with Guus [recorded in


   Tom: conflict with RIF WG telecon was noted last week
   ... Guus and I exchanged a bit of mail

   RESOLUTION: Next telecon will be 14 November, 1600 UTC

   ACTION: Elisa to keep us posted as SKOS/iso 11179 compatibility
   issue evolves [recorded in
   [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   ACTION: [DONE] Elisa to post announcement to SWD list [recorded in
   [recorded in


   -> [21][SWD] Announcement re: Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM)
   Specification [Elisa 2006-11-01]


F2F January 22-23?

   Tom: I would not be able to attend a meeting on those days

   Ralph: Fabien would like to meet
   ... Elisa abstains, will come if held
   ... also Mark Birbeck and Steven Pemberton from the HTML WG would be
   wiling to attend
   ... Elias Torres would send regrets

   Alistair: I would like to meet, have to confirm that I could travel

   Guus: would Tom be able to join by telecon?

   Tom: yes

   <aliman> I could certainly join 22-23 Jan by telecon

   <aliman> will get back to ralph re possibility of travel

   Antoine: I could come to a meeting, neutral+ on meeting

   Daniel: regrets; I have a conflict

   Bernard: would be able to attend, what are the goals?

   Tom: 2 big items would be the meeting focus: SKOS and RDFa

   <JonP> I'd like to meet if I'm able to travel

   Antoine: I'm focussed on SKOS

   Tom: if we have a critical mass of people for either SKOS or RDFa
   then it's worthwhile holding a meeting

   Daniel: SKOS

   Bernard: SKOS

   Diego: interested in both SKOS and RDFa, more experience with SKOS,
   would like to attend but don't yet know if I can

   Alistair: will attend by telecon if I cannot travel

   Jon: expect to be able to attend, primary interest is SKOS

   Guus: could we have a SKOS issues list as input to a January

   Alistair: yes, that sounds reasonable

   Ralph: will attend, think it's a good idea to meet

   RESOLUTION: SWD will meet face-to-face at MIT on 22-23 Jan 2007,
   with remote participation facilities


   Tom: welcome Jon Phipps

   Jon: I'm an independent consultant working for Cornell University on
   a metadata repository
   ... we're using SKOS as a base model for our vocabulary description
   ... hope to make a meta-thesaurus for vocabulary description
   ... hope to be able to migrate vocabularies from other systems into

   <aliman> [22]JonP & Diane Hillman's paper at DC2006 was very good


   <aliman> lots of important feedback and criticism of SKOS

SKOS Requirements

   ACTION: Alistair give pointers to deployed SKOS systems. [recorded
   in [23]]


   Alistair: I hope to be able to post some use cases over the next few
   weeks and talk to some organizations before Christmas time

   ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft [recorded in


   Daniel: I discussed 3 possible communities
   ... I'll send email to the list summarizing the use cases I see

   Tom: need editors for Requirements document

   Guus: we have the current SKOS documents and Alistair has started an
   issues list

   <aliman> [25]SKOS issues and proposals list


   Guus: it would be nice to settle on the issue list and be able to
   discuss the requirements by January f2f
   ... the requirements [can] become part of the final W3C
   Recommendation, so perhaps it's an inducement to some to get their
   names on a W3C Recommendation
   ... between now an the January f2f we could generate a draft
   Requirements document with a goal to approving this draft for
   publication during the January meeting
   ... gather example use cases and generate requirements from these
   use cases
   ... and generate some more general requirements too
   ... this process worked well in OWL

   <TomB> [26]requirements thread


   Daniel: as we already have SKOS documents, we should consider these
   in the requirements, right?

   Guus: the requirements have to be within the scope of our WG charter
   ... Alistair came up with ideas about what the vocabulary should be
   used for; metadata for indexing in retrieval
   ... within that scope we can define any requirement we want
   ... and reconcile conflicts

   Daniel: why is what the vocabulary is to be used for important?

   Alistair: I'm putting so much emphasis on the ultimate use of the
   vocabulary because SKOS makes a number of simplifications
   ... the simplifications are to capture what is common between types
   of vocabularies; thesaurii, subject heading schemes, and
   classification schemes are considered different types of systems but
   have overlap
   ... in SKOS we want to decide what information needs to be
   represented so the downstream applications can perform the function
   they need to perform
   ... we want to bridge the gaps between these similar vocabulary
   types that are often considered to be different
   ... so there is a need to generate interoperability
   ... this is the only way I see to be able to clearly define
   'sufficiency of representation'
   ... there are a number of ways one could represent each of the
   vocabularies in RDF
   ... without a focus on the ultimate use of the data it becomes a
   matter of taste on the choice of RDF representation
   ... we risk growing to try to cope with everyone's favorite feature
   [if we don't focus on use]
   ... one of SKOS' selling points is its simplicity
   ... we need to continue to keep SKOS simple while satisfying the
   requirements that need to be satisfied

   Tom: it sounds like this explanation should be part of the first or
   second page of the requirements document

   Ralph: the responsibility of the editor is to collect and organize
   the discussions we have in our telecons and to identify unresolved

   Guus: I'd like someone other than Alistair to be the Requirements
   editor, as Alistair is also one of the developers

   Antoine: I am willing to edit the Requirements document, would like
   a partner

   Daniel: I'm willing to help

   Guus: I would prefer to have people who are currently working on
   ... the WG has to provide them content

   Jon: I'm interested too

   Alistair: Jon just went through a use cases analysis with a metadata
   registry project; I'd like him to help

   Tom: ideally we'd have a document to circulate in early January in
   preparation for Jan 22 meeting

   Bernard: are you also interested in contributors as well as editors?

   Alistair: absolutely!

   Ralph: everyone in the WG should be contributing

   Guus: I'll supply as much as possible from my projects

   ACTION: Jon, Daniel, Antoine figure out their individual roles as
   SKOS Requirements editors [recorded in

   ACTION: Ralph point Jon, Daniel, Antoine at the W3C tech report
   editors materials [recorded in

   ACTION: Guus cite some examples of other Requirements documents
   [recorded in

   Guus: the roles might be to divide the domains we're looking at and
   solicit contributions from each domain
   ... might be a lead editor who has the responsibility for updating
   W3C CVS
   ... to start, I'd look at the different content pieces and divide
   those up; e.g. Daniel might take the biomedical,
   ... Antoine might take the libraries

   Alistair: let's also collect use cases by email
   ... a picture might emerge after a couple of weeks and then we'll
   have a table of contents

   Guus: would the esw-thes mailing list be another source of

   Alistair: sure

   ACTION: Alistair work with the UCR editors to draft questions to
   invite the esw-thes mailing list to contribute to the use cases and
   requirements [recorded in

   Guus: for example, in OWL I created a format for people to submit
   their use cases
   ... this helped in reducing the work to edit all the contributions
   into a single document

   Alistair: I'm happy to make a suggestion regarding a format and how
   to phrase questions

   ACTION: Alistair propose a format for presenting use cases [recorded
   in [31]]

Other Short-Term Deliverables

   <aliman> [32]TimBL's blog entry on future of HTML


   Ralph: the HTML WG has been working on expired charter. Question on
   how to prioritize work on HTML version 4 versus XHTML. Current WG
   has been focused on XHTML.
   ... Issues list needs to be made more user-friendly. Requirements
   document by early January?
   ... for discussion on January 22-23.

AOB; ISWC Feedback

   Guus: I'm here at ISWC and hope to collect feedback on several
   items, including RDFa
   ... have met Harry Halpin, chair of GRDDL WG
   ... he has colleagues who are very interested in the SKOS work
   ... he's also interested in seeing us complete our recipes document
   and the vocabulary management work


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Alistair propose a format for presenting use cases
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Alistair work with the UCR editors to draft questions
   to invite the esw-thes mailing list to contribute to the use cases
   and requirements [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Guus cite some examples of other Requirements
   documents [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jon, Daniel, Antoine figure out their individual roles
   as SKOS Requirements editors [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph point Jon, Daniel, Antoine at the W3C tech
   report editors materials [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Tom to discuss changing telecon time with Guus
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Alistair give pointers to deployed SKOS systems.
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft
   [recorded in
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Elisa to keep us posted as SKOS/iso 11179
   compatibility issue evolves [recorded in
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph consider a tutorial on scribe conventions
   [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Elisa to post announcement to SWD list [recorded in
   [recorded in


   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [47]scribe.perl version 1.127
    ([48]CVS log)
    $Date: 2006/11/07 21:16:18 $


Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2006 21:19:02 UTC