Re: [OEP] Revised version of the time ontology and time zone resource notes

At 04:15 PM 4/18/2006 -0700, Feng Pan wrote:

>Hi all,
>A revised version of the time ontology and time zone resource notes is now available at:
>Could someone help to put them in the W3C directory?

Sorry, Feng; I missed this message last week.

I have now copied those drafts to Working Group space [1,2].
I fixed the stylesheet on [1] to be "base.css" as it is for [2], fixed
the Status of this Document to reflect that this copy is not yet
a Working Draft ([2] was already ok) and updated the copyright
years in both documents.  Please make at least the stylesheet
fix in your copy of time-ontology-note-2ndEd.


I also made short URIs for the "latest versions" of the editor's drafts
for both [3,4] and updated the OEP page [5] to cite these latest versions
and added them to the Editor's Draft section of the WG home page [6].


Guus, I guess this means you can now work on your action
to review these, per the meeting record [7] :)



Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2006 17:40:43 UTC