Proposal to publish as 1st WD [was: Re: [WNET] New Draft


The WNet work has progressed significantly over the past months. 
Interestingly, it has turned out to be an excellent use case for our VM 
"recipes". There have been WG reviews from Jacco [1] and Benjamin [2] 
plus many comments from others. From the review threads we can see that 
there is growing consensus on publication.

I think it is appropriate to publish the current version (see below) as 
First Working Draft, under the condition that all URIs work (with their URI). I suggest that the WG appoints one/two people to check this 
before formal publication.



Mark van Assem wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> Thanks for the detailed reading. I've addressed your comments and 
> updated the document [1] accordingly, see below.
> [1]
>> I guess "first" is as given in the Princeton source and is not intended
>> to be represented anywhere else (e.g. in the RDF), correct?  There
>> are later references to the order of the word senses not being 
>> significant.
> Correct on both accounts. Added:
>     [[The %lexform% is the lexical form of the first WordSense of
>     the Synset (the first
>     WordSense in the Princeton source as signified by its    
>     "wordnumber", see <a href="#distribution">Overview of the
>     WordNet Prolog distribution</a>). ]]
>> Figure 2: missing hypernymOf and the subproperties for classifiedBy
>> and meronymOf.
> All the subproperties are present. The hyponymOf property is also 
> present. You may be alluding to the fact that the inverse properties are 
> not in the list. I leave those out at that point in the document to not 
> give the false impression to RDFS-only users that they are indeed in the 
> source.
>> Typo in first query; the last pattern should be
> Thanks for spotting, fixed.
>> Typo: "There is one more specific kind of /-adverb-//+adjective+/ called
>> an adjective satellite."
> Fixed.
>> 3. Selecting and Querying ...
>> Typo after the list of triples:  "... same as the result /-to-//+of the+/
>> following SPARQL query"
> Fixed.
>> Appendix D
>> It's hard to understand which way hypernymOf and hyponymOf go.
>> I suggest including some triples here for an example.
>> The same is true of the classifiedByTopic, Usage, and Region
>> properties as well as the meronymOf subproperties.
> Some of them did not have an example from the original source, so added 
> those. Concerning the direction: the text states quite unambiguously the 
> direction by three statements:
> - original source format, e.g.: mm(Synset_ID_A, Synset_ID_B).
> - example, e.g. mm(100006026,107463651).  [Person,People].
> - Maps to: memberMeronymOf(Synset_ID_A, Synset_ID_B)
> I don't think adding triples will make things more clear as these
> would look very similar to the "Maps to" part, only then in RDF syntax.
>> Appendix F
>> At the end of the paragraph comparing this conversion to the
>> Neuchatel conversion, there's a typo; this conversion uses
>> slash URIs, not hash URIs.
> Nasty one. Thanks, fixed.
>> Appendix G
>> Is '/' the only character that appears in Princeton's dataset that
>> needed to be changed?  Are there any other NCname reserved
>> characters used?  I gather than "_" is used consistently in place
>> of (a) space character(s).
> No, there are a few more. The text now reads
> [[
> Some words contain characters that are not allowed in NCNames. In order 
> to generate a correct URI we changed the following characters into 
> underscores: '/', '\','(', ')' and ' ' (space).
> For example, the URI for the word "read/write_memory" becomes:
> ]]
>> Appendix H
>> Second to final sentence; I think you mean "uniqueness" rather
>> than "unicity".
> Thanks, fixed.
>> Appendix I
>> Typo in second paragraph: s/OLW/OWL/
> changed to 'an RDF/OWL'
> Thanks for the careful reading,
> Mark.

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Received on Monday, 24 April 2006 11:27:19 UTC