RE: [SE] Suggestion of new note

Mike Uschold wrote:
>Quick revision, in think I figured out what the 2nd point means, and I
>added a third. Is this right?
>Properties, Attributes and Values 
>Properties attached to single class; inherited to its subclasses.
>Instances can have values only for attached properties. Values must be
>correctly typed. 
>Range constraints used for type checking 
>Properties stand alone. Attached to multiple classes via domain
>constraints and inheritance 
>Individuals can have arbitrary values for any property 
>Range constraints used for type inference and type checking 
>NB I added the last one, you hint at type inference, but don't come out
>and say it.
>A very important difference. One can conclude the type of an individual
>from its place in a relationship instance.

Exactly.  The looseness of typing in RDF and OWL can seem pretty strange
for an OO person.


Received on Thursday, 29 September 2005 13:30:34 UTC