RE: [VM] Telecon on Tuesday, 27 September

Tom, sounds good.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Thomas Baker
> Sent: 26 September 2005 15:52
> To: SW Best Practices
> Subject: [VM] Telecon on Tuesday, 27 September
> Vocabulary Management telecon, Tue, Sep 27, 1300 UTC (1500 Berlin)
> Zakim: +1.617.761.6200=20
> Conference code 8683# ('VMTF')
> irc://
> Dear all,
> As I mentioned in a posting last week, Alistair, Dan, and
> I recently had a chance to meet at DC-2005 in Madrid (Sep
> 12-15) and to discuss with Eric Miller what goals we might
> realistically be able to attain in Vocabulary Management
> within the chartered lifetime of SWBP-WG (1st February 2006).
> We agreed that the current draft [1], which has not advanced
> since before the August lull, provides a fine basis for a
> short, useful, and tightly focused note, but recognized that
> an additional push would be needed to push this to completion.
> We also agreed that the latest TAG decision on httpRange-14
> [2], along with developments in DCMI, provide an important
> opportunity to agree on among SKOS, FOAF, and Dublin Core on a
> common approach to the simple and very basic question: What do
> you get when you click on the URI of a SKOS, FOAF, or DC term?
> DCMI has a concrete problem to solve in this regard
> inasmuch clicking on the URIs of a Dublin Core
> term currently takes users to a screenful of angle
> brackets at the top of the RDF schema -- try clicking
> on  This is not
> very user-friendly.
> In Madrid, Dan, Alistair, Eric, and I informally discussed
> different approaches to improving on this situation -- e.g.,
> by using content negotiation to serve up Web pages or RDF
> schemas as alternatives, or by pointing from a target Web
> page to an RDF schema.
> Solving this really basic problem with a common approach
> implemented by SKOS, FOAF, and Dublin Core would provide an
> excellent (and realistic) focus for a short note on the basis
> of the current draft and should be useful as an example for
> others to follow, but further discussion is needed to agree
> on a solution.
> Dan, Alistair, Ralph, and anyone else out there with an
> interest in this -- could we use the telecon tomorrow to keep
> the momentum going on this?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> [1]
> [2]
> -- 
> Dr. Thomas Baker            
> SUB - Goettingen State                            +49-551-39-3883
> and University Library                           +49-30-8109-9027
> Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 15:10:56 UTC