[All] Future agenda request

public-swbp-wg-request@w3.org wrote on 09/09/2005 11:06:44 AM:

> Minutes from Monday's Working Group teleconference are in HTML at
> http://www.w3.org/2005/09/05-swbp-minutes
> and also below in plain text.  Apologies for neglecting to post them
> sooner.
> --------------------------------------------
> 2.5 Other: Using URIs to identify non-information resources

By my count, this discussion during the last telecon took more than 20 

This seems to me to be out of scope - URI's are web architecure, and we've 
wasted enough WG bandwidth on the issue.  I realize a lot of WG members 
are very interested, indeed passionate, about the issue, but I believe 
this is because there is a lot of overlap between this WG and others, 
where the discussion is more appropriate.

No individual Task Force discussion, which is clearly the work of this WG 
and unarguably in scope, rarely (if ever) have taken this much of WG 
telecon times, and have never gotten into as much technical detail as this 
dicussion invariably gets. 

My proposal is that we either drop this dicussion from telecons, or at the 
very least move it to the end of the telecon so that those of us 
uninterested can drop off.


Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2005 01:39:01 UTC