CFP - Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering

*									*
* Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering - SWESE05	*
* (			*
*									*
* located at the 4th International Semantic Web Conference ISWC2005	*
* 6th November 2005							*
* Galway, Ireland							*
*									*
* (Note - extended versions of the best papers to be published in 	*
*  a special section of a future issue of the Journal of Web Sementics)	*
*									*

Workshop Description

  Over the past five years there have been attempts to bring together
  languages and tools developed for Software Engineering (SE) with Semantic
  Web (SW) languages. One of the most recent of these attempts is the
  development of the Object Management Group's Ontology Definition
  Metamodel (ODM). Until recently, this work has been motivated
  largely by an interest to exploit the popularity and features of
  Unified Modeling Language (UML) tools for the creation of
  vocabularies and ontologies for the Semantic Web.  But what are the
  potential benefits related to the reversal of this approach and the
  use of Semantic Web concepts in the field of Software Engineering?
  Could the Web-based, semantically rich formality of the Web Ontology
  Language OWL be combined with emerging model driven development
  tools to provide badly needed improvements in both the process and
  product of software development activities?  Certainly there appear
  to be a number of strong arguments in favour of this approach, but
  consensus on the best way forward has not yet formed. This workshop
  seeks to explore and evaluate this area.

Intended Audience

  While the intended audience for this workshop includes those with
  experience or interest in Semantic Web languages and tools, it is
  also crucial to have participation by those with expertise in other
  areas such as Software Engineering, Automatic Software Engineering
  (ASE), Knowledge Based Software Engineering (KBSE), UML/MDA, and
  Software/legacy Modernization.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

 * Visions for Semantic Web driven software engineering.
 * Tools developed or being developed for software engineering using SW
 * Integration or application development projects combining software
   Engineering techniques and Semantic Web tools or languages,
 * Lessons learned in ASE or KBSE applicable to SW based SE,
 * Shortcomings with the Semantic Web with respect to Software Engineering,
 * Deficiencies in the ODM
 * Visions for SW driven software modernization
 * Integration of UML and Semantic Web languages
 * Integration of formal methods and Semantic Web languages
 * Software specification and Semantic Web languages
 * Component discovery and ontologies
 * Feature modelling and ontologies
 * Ontology reasoning for software engineering
 * Semantic annotations in software engineering

Workshop Format and Attendance

 This will be an all day workshop with invited speakers, a
 poster session, technical talks, and panels discussing competing
 visions for Semantic Web enabled software engineering (final format
 will be dependent on submissions).  A working session will follow, to
 form and document a sense of the workshop on the following question:

   Are the conditions right for a major advancement in software
   engineering tools and practice through the incorporation of 
   Semantic Web languages and tools?
 Invited speakers so far include:
  Dr. Rudi Studer from AIFB University of Karlruhe for a SW
   perspective, and
  Grady Booch from IBM (by remote webcast) for a modeling perspective.

 This workshop is open to all members of the ISWC community, as well
 as other communities identified in the Intended Audience discsussion above.

 Submission of a paper is not required for attendance at the workshop.
 However, in the event that the workshop cannot accommodate all who
 would like to participate, those who have submitted a paper will be
 given priority for registration.  All workshop attendees must pay the
 ISWC2005 workshop registration fee, as well as the conference
 registration fee.  We encourage those who plan to attend this
 workshop, to register early in order to help conference organizers
 with their planning as well as insure that the workshop is not
 cancelled do to projected poor attendance.

Organizing Committee

 Evan Wallace, ewallace(at), (primary contact person), NIST
 Jeff Z. Pan, pan(at), University of Manchester 
 Phil Tetlow, philip.tetlow(at), IBM
 Elisa F. Kendall, ekendall(at), Sandpiper Software

Program Committee

 Colin Atkinson (DE), University of Mannheim
 Ken Baclawski (US), Northeastern University
 Dragan Gasevic, School of Business Administration 
  Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
 Michael Goedicke (DE), University of Essen
 Ian Horrocks (UK), Manchester University
 Mitch Kokar (US), Northeastern University
 Bob Lojek (UK), IBM
 Jishnu Mukerji (US), Hewlett-Packard Company
 Daniel Oberle (DE), University of Karlsruhe
 Marwan Sabbouh (US), MITRE Corporation
 Michael K. Smith (US), Electronic Data System 
 Michael Uschold (US), Boeing
 Andrea Zisman, (UK) City University, London

Submissions and Publication

 We invite three forms of submission to this workshop:
   Full papers
   Short position papers

 Format required for submissions:

  Full technical papers should not exceed fifteen pages in length,
  while the body of short position papers should not exceed two pages.
  Submissions should be sent in PDF to the primary contact or the
  conference submission address.  Please use the Springer's LNCS
  format for accepted papers. Complete details on this format are
  available at Springeronline[,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html].
  Technical papers will be peer reviewed by a group of experts
  representing a cross-section of fields relevant to Semantic Web
  enabled software engineering.


  All accepted papers will be published online as part of the workshop

  In order to increase the quality of the submitted papers and to
  provide a stronger background for discussions, we will publish 
  extended versions of the best technical papers of the workshop in a
  special Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering section of a
  future issue of the Journal of Web Semantics.

Important Dates
    25 July 2005  		 - Paper submission deadline
    31 August 2005 (tentative)	 - Notification of acceptance to authors
    30 September 2005 (tentative)- Camera-ready version of accepted papers
    Sunday, 6 November 2005	 - Workshop 

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2005 15:11:57 UTC