Re: [OEP] - N-ary Relations Note comments


>> The discussion on unintended models is too terse. Also, it does not
>> seem to be the same kind of 'unintended models' that I'm familiar
>> with.
> MFU> did you redo this section to make clear what you mean by  
> unintended
> models?

Yes, I've added an explanation of the different results that you will  
get from reasoning.

>> Notes:  most of these have useful important germane points. I
>> suggest putting them back in the text, if you can.
> Yes, but I think they would really interrupt the flow too much...
> MFU> This is a matter of personal style preference and a tradeoff.
> Readers who prefer to read notes (like myself) have the flow  
> interrupted
> too much by having to turn pages where the notes are. The guideline I
> was taught, and that I use is:
> * Never use footnotes unless there are really strong reasons to do so.
> * If it is important, then put it in the text,
> * if it is not important then skip it.
> Does the W3C have a position on this?

I assume this is the part that you plan to resend to the list with an  
[ALL] designator. I think it's a matter of personal taste, as you  
point out (and also a tradeoff -- I agree)


Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2005 22:37:38 UTC