Re: [ALL] agenda 19 May telecon 1700 UTC

* Guus Schreiber <> [2005-05-18 19:46+0200]
> AGENDA  Teleconference
> W3C Semantic Web Best Practices & Deployment Working Group
> 19 May 2005, 1700 UTC
>                1000 (West US)
>                1300 (East US)
>                1800 (London)
>                1900 (Amsterdam),
>                0200 (next day Tokyo)
>                0300 (next day Sydney)
> Duration: 60-90 min

> Straw poo ftf location

s/poo/poll/ :)

> 3.1 PORT (Alistair)
>    ACTION: Alistair to think about machine-readable change policies
>    [recorded in
>    [42]]
>    ACTION: Ralph help Alistair with publication process for SKOS
>    documents [recorded in
>    [43]]
> Transition request:
> Reply from TBL:

Three new Working Drafts :)

> 3.6 RDF-in-HTML (Ben)
>   ACTION: DanBri help write an rdf schema for the additional xhtml2
>     namespace elements

I claim this one completed,

Have had no feedback from anyone yet. I'd like to get a reviewer from
SWBPD WG and a reviewer from the HTML WG, so we are ready to roll when
the HTML guys ship a fresh Working Draft. Specifically I solicit
advice on a few points (see XML comments within the schema, and the mail 
cited above). I think the most interesting issue is whether this lives
in the XHTML 2 namespace or not. That question will impact the RDF/A
design I think, since I believe the practice is for these relations not
to be namespace prefixed, on the assumption they're part of XHTML2. If
they go into another namespace, a special case rule might be needed in

Regrets again for the telecon,


> 4, AOB

I'd like to know who else will be at XTech in Amsterdam next week.

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2005 13:09:07 UTC