Re: [ALL] agenda 19 May telecon 1700 UTC

I note the following in the agenda for tomorrow's telecon:

>   PROPOSED: hold 4th ftf in Galway on Fri/Sat 11-12 November (4-5
>     November is the alternative)

The workshop I mentioned in a previous email (now entitled
"OWL: Experiences and Directions") is scheduled for 11-12
November.  Judging by it's provisional Programme Committee,
there appears considerable interest in this workshop among
active members in SWBPD.  I therefore suggest that we schedule
the SWBPD ftf prior to ISWC05 on either Nov 4-5 or preferably 
Nov 3-4 (to give those of use also involved in workshops on Nov 6 
a breather).


Evan K. Wallace
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 20:33:57 UTC