[ADTF, PORT, admin] weblog offline (via esw.w3.org URIs anyway)

The blog used by ADTF, SKOS and others is currently offline, 
due to migration side-effects from moving the ESW Wiki into 
W3C systeam care. The systems team are investigating possible 
support for blogging facilities on a separate timescale, so we 
have kept the Movable Type weblog installation on the old 
server, Swada. This will be reflected into esw.w3.org HTTP space
ASAP; unfortunately something is not quite working right now. 
Investigating. In the meantime, replace 'esw' with 'swada' in 
URLs to get directly to pages. For example,


(note that pages that cite esw.w3.org stylesheets etc may 
be stylistically challenged until this gets resolved)

Apologies for any inconvenience,


Received on Monday, 9 May 2005 17:13:29 UTC