[SE] Oracle Article and W3C Software Engineering Incubator Group

Robert, Jurgen

I am a member of the W3C’s Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment
Working Group and currently help coordinate their taskforce on Software
Engineering. As such I was gratified to see your article on ‘Know Your UML
with XML’ in next month’s Oracle Magazine
(http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/06-jan/o16xml.html). Indeed
I would like to thank you for your reference to the W3C and OMG’s work in
this area – It is great to see that the use of XML based technologies in
systems and software modelling is starting to pick up momentum.

FYI, perhaps you might also like to see the following literature in this


- Ontology Driven Architecture
- OOP Primer (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/SE/ODSD/)


-     Ontology Definition Metamodel (Please forgive me but the only URL’s I
have for this document are old and I know that a new version is due out in
the very near future)

The recent Software Engineering Workshop at ISW2005

You may also be interested to know that the W3C is contemplating an
incubator group specifically intended to address the crossover between W3C
standards and software engineering. Perhaps you would be interested in

Best Regards,

Philip Tetlow
Senior Consultant (Certified Technical Architect)
IBM Business Consulting Services

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Received on Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:39:12 UTC