[WN] 303 for WordNet? (was Re: [WN] Fwd: WordNet Namespace)

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> since there is meant to be a 303 response in there somewhere ....

So a 303 would suggest that http://wordnet.princeton.edu/rdf/entity
- is not referring to an information resource, but
- referring to some abstract notion of the concept 'entity'
- and that this concept is described in the (RDF) information resource 
included in the 303 redirect response.
For example, one could use it to say that something is of rdf:type 
wn:entity, which makes sense.

But if this is the case, I'd like to know what URI I should use if I 
really want to refer to the associated information resource (that is, 
the WordNet RDF description of entity). For a dictionary-like service as 
a WordNet server this should be possible, right? I mean one might want 
to say that WordNet's definition of entity conflicts with Webster's 
definition (assuming there is a RDF version of the latter too).  To do 
this, one needs a URI that really refers to the RDF, an information 
resource that gives you a 2xx, not a 3xx response.

Are we really going promote the URI that is included in the 303 response 
for these type of annotations?
(I've always assumed that the URI you are redirected to should somehow 
remain hidden, for example because the owner wants to be able to change 
this if needed). If we are indeed promoting this, than that URI needs to 
be part of the official description as well.

Am I missing something obvious here?


Received on Monday, 19 December 2005 16:14:01 UTC