RE: [OT] RE: Using URIs to identify non-information resources


Thanks for your comments!  More explanations below.

> . . .
> (note that I don't want to dis your service, I just don't 
> think swbpd is the right place to promote it beyond the 
> general technique behind) . . . .

I agree.  The general technique is exactly what I am trying to promote
-- not the domain in particular.  I apologize for
not making that clearer.  I am using as a
concrete example of the kind of 303-forwarding service that I am
advocating.  I don't think the SWBPD WG should endorse any particular
domain (except perhaps as one example among others); I *do* think the
SWBPD WG should endorse the general technique if it becomes established

> . . .
> - an ontology isn't a service, your "analogy" doesn't work.
> - the option to not use a certain service doesn't change the 
> service's nature. . . . 

If the ontology is based on http URIs, then that ontology's domain
certainly *is* a service if its URIs serve up useful information when
they are accessed, which clearly is recommended practice.  For example,
suppose the ontology is based on the domain  Then
there are two uses for the URI :  as an
unambiguous identifier for a particular color; and as a source of
information about what that URI means.  The first use is not as a
service; the second clearly is.

This is exactly analogous to URIs.  You could
argue that the usefulness of the ontology does not
depend on its dual function as a service, but the exact same thing is
true of URIs.

In fact, one accurate way to think of is that its
URIs represent an ontology!  However, authority for defining the meaning
of each term in the ontology is decentralized: it
is delegated to the owner of the sub-URI that is given in the query
string, as described at

So is a "service" to the same extent that is a "service", and it is a "centralized service"
only to the extent that is a "centralized service":
by the network effect of those who choose to adopt it -- not be decree.

> >It is very different from defining a new URI scheme, because it does 
> >not require any changes to existing software.  It works today.  
> >However, if you do wish to change your software to recognize 
> > URIs, then your software can run faster, by 
> >opimizing away unnecessary HTTP accesses, as described at 
> >
> AND AND AND http:...

Correct.  But even if your software had to recognize 100 of these
domains -- or even 1000 or 10000! -- it would still be orders of
magnitude faster than performing an extra HTTP network access.  And of
course there's no need for these domain names to be hard coded, as a
list could simply be loaded (or downloaded) during initialization.

> . . . 
> > However, if you are given a URI, you can 
> > determine by inspection that it does not directly identify a 
> > document at that address, because of the delegation of authority 
> > provided by 
> >
> > That is a significant optimization.
> That seems to be the part that's related to SWBP:
> Should this WG propose a mechanism that relies on URI 
> examination? (Guess my personal opinion ;)

I assume you're referring to the Web tenet of URI opacity, which is
important.  But the approach does *not* "break
URI opacity":

1. There is no *need* to examine the structure of the URI.  It will work
exactly right (returning a 303 redirect to another page) even if you do
not look into the URI's structure.  

2. The reason and intent behind the principle of URI opacity is to
prevent someone who inspects a given URI from drawing false conclusions
about its meaning.   But if you *choose* to look at the structure of a URI, and you were already aware of the delegation
of authority provided by the site (see ), then you could
*correctly* optimize away the HTTP access to
Note that this is *not* a heuristic (guess)!  It is following the
explicitly defined meaning of the URI, as documented at .  

> >> (It would be nice though to see a swbpd note about how to best 
> >> implement the TAG suggestion, possible ways of naming resources so 
> >> that the 303-mechanism works, . . . .
> >
> > The question of how to best implement the TAG's suggestion, 
> > and how to best name resources so that the 303-mechanism works, 
> > is *exactly* what  am trying to address in suggesting the 
> > approach!
> yeah, but you are proposing it as a service, not as a 
> technique/practice. 

No, my intent is to propose the technique/practice, as explained above.
I'm merely using as a working/usable example.  I
definitely erred in not making that clearer earlier. (Sorry!)  :(

> and I actually think it'd be more 
> straight-forward to simply tell people how to adjust their 
> htaccess files to make the 303 mechanism work directly on 
> their systems. but maybe that's just me.

I think that approach (custom 303-forwarding) has its place also --
mainly because it gives shorter URIs and does not depend on someone
else's domain -- but it has some clear disadvantages in comparison to
the approach:

1. It's a lot easier (IMO) to teach someone how to mint a URI than to teach them how to configure their Web
server for a 303-redirect -- assuming they even have the ability to do
so.  In many cases, Web authors do not have that much control over their
server configurations.

2. If everyone does their own custom 303-forwarding then you lose the
ability to optimize away the extra HTTP access, which means that systems
cannot scale as well.

> > AFAICT, provides a very practical and 
> > scalable solution to the problem.
> for "page exists, URI needed" situations:
>    yes. (as long as there is no "?" in the page's URL)

Actually, my reading of RFC3986 (
) is that "?" *is* permitted in the query string:

  absolute-URI  = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ]
  . . .
  query         = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )

> for automatically generated URIs of individuals:
>    an ideal consequence of your proposal (if taken seriously) is that
>    every non-info resource should be prefixed with 
> "". 
>    So, systems creating your URIs would then ideally auto-generate
>    pages for requests coming back from your service's 303s. But when
>    I have to adjust my apps to prefix internal URIs and to 
> later detect
>    incoming requests for theses resources (which means that I have to
>    store two URIs, or I have to prefix URIs retrieved from an 
> RDF store,
>    or I have to adjust SPARQL queries), I can more easily 
> implement the
>    whole mechanism directly without running into issues.
> for already existing URIs of non-info resources:
>    no. there is no efficient way to "upgrade" existing URIs to your
>    service without changing them.

I agree, there is inherent inefficiency in changing existing URIs.  I
should never have implied otherwise.   :(  

But if existing URIs are going to be changed at all to conform to the
TAG's guidance, then the approach is the most
general, efficient and non-disruptive alternative that I have seen so

	General: Because the meaning of the URI is independent of 
	media type (unlike with # URIs;

	Efficient: Because unnecessary HTTP accesses can be optimized 
	away; and

	Non-disruptive: Because it does not require any change to 
	existing software.  It works today.

David Booth

Received on Saturday, 20 August 2005 00:51:51 UTC