[HTML,ALL] HTML TF links for F2F

I took an action to provide links for HTML TF recent business.

We have been reviewing the XHTML2 work of HTML WG.

The key document is an editor's draft of a new appendix:

RDF/A Syntax
A collection of attributes for layering RDF on XML languages

This is intended to work with (a variation on)

20. XHTML Metainformation Module

also relevant is the previous section of the XHTML2 WD:

19. XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module

The minutes of the last TF telecon are:

We have another telecon tomorrow, since the HTML WG wish to move XHTML2 
to LC fairly soon, they have a face to face Nov 8th, and this is the 
last part outstanding of their technical work.

I have implemented RDF/A last night and I am just about to update TF on 
my experience.


Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 16:13:32 UTC