[OEP,ALL] PartOf pattern -was- Potential topics for OEP notes

>The partOf relation.  There really isn't that much that can be "said" in 
>OWL (and therefore less in RDF) regarding the typical axiomatizations of 
>partOf, but knowing the different kinds of partOf relations and what they 
>are supposed to mean would be useful.  I'm hoping that some subset of 
>Nicola, Alan, and I can take the lead on this one, but I also see the need 
>for a couple of notes here, so I think this needs further discussion.  For 
>example Deborah expressed interest in a simpler note (less ambitious but 
>quicker turnaround) on geographical containment.

Actually, I think that Deborah was relaying *my* interest in producing
a simpler note.  A note that would contain some sample OWL, not just text.
This would boot-strap new users of OWL on some simple ways to model 
certain partOf relations.  Questions about this come up frequently in
places like the Protege-owl list [1], and I believe a light note would be
very helpful as an intro for domain experts and former UML modelers.  Such
a note would largely steer clear of philosophical concerns such as 
reflexivity.  I already have created OWL for this and started work on 
some intro text for such a note.


[1] a recent example of a query about partOf in OWL

Received on Friday, 8 October 2004 15:28:28 UTC