2004-09-30 meeting record

IRC transcript:


previous:  http://www.w3.org/2004/09/16-swbpd

Chair:  David Wood
Scribe: Dan Brickley with (thanks!) help from Chris Welty
Regrets:  Guus, Tom Adams, BrianMcB, BenB, BenA

Next meeting: Oct 14, regrets from Jos, TomB, DanBri

	Ralph Swick
	David Wood
	Alistair Miles
	Benjamin Nguyen
	+1.703.326.aaaa (?) 
	Evan Wallace
	Darren Govoni
	Dan Brickley (1st 60 mins)
	Libby Miller
	+1.914.671.aabb (?)
	Chris Welty
	Jos DeRoo
	Phil Tetlow
	Tom Baker
	Natasha Noy
	Jeremy Carroll
	Alan Rector
	(the tel no.s may be those of parties already identified)

Action summary (new and continued):

	ACTION: jjc to update f2f by tuesday next
	ACTION: BenB read ODM documents
	ACTION: Guus contact Pat and Jos about Web Arch comments
	ACTION: Guus send e-mail about telecon attendance, as it's getting low 
	ACTION: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF
	ACTION: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing'
		record) to the list (done, but msg needs to get to list)
	ACTION: gary ng review ODM
	ACTION: chris welty review ODM
	ACTION: Ralph to ask WG for feedback on requirement to embed
		RDF/XML markup in an XHTML document
	ACTION: Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract
		query model.
	ACTION: darren review DAWG use cases document
	ACTION: danbri circulate links for his existing feedback/review to dawg 
	ACTION: jjc make a first sketch of short guideline note for
		using xml schema datatypes (in rdf/owl) 
	ACTION: jjc to send message to XSLT wg and query
	ACTION: jjc to send message to xmls wg
	ACTION: libby to summarize ADTF before f2f
	ACTION: PhilT to summarize interests from UK National Govt

	RESOLVED: no observers at FTF

Aagenda items covered:

	"Community Feedback"
	"Web Architecture Draft"
	"ODM/UML Ontology Profile" (skipped)
	"Comments to DAWG on RDF Data Access, XQuery, Rules"
	"TF Updates"


Received on Monday, 4 October 2004 05:11:43 UTC