RE: [XSCH] draft comment on XML Schema WG draft charter

Ralph asked me to resend comments on the XML Schema WG draft charter

They were at:

and are due by Saturday

The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployement WG is considering 
creating a  task force [1] to address issues relating to 
the use of XML Schema datatypes in RDF and OWL.  This is one 
specific aspect of encouraging greater interoperability between 
the Semantic Web Recommendations and XML Schema Recommendations.

We would appreciate support from the XML Schema WG in addressing these
issues.  Consequently we request that the XML Schema WG charter include a
commitment to work with the SWBPD WG task force addressing them.

Also, since the RDFCore WG is now winding down, we suggest replacing
references to RDFCore with references to the SWBPD WG.


Received on Thursday, 13 May 2004 11:13:09 UTC