[WNET] Sense keys in HyperDic 2.0

Fwd'd from the Wordnet list. Interesting both as a strategy for
generating URIs, and as another project/dataset that is organised using
these IDs and is looking for intereop with other Semantic Web apps.


----- Forwarded message from Eric Kafe <kafe@MEGADOC.NET> -----

From: Eric Kafe <kafe@MEGADOC.NET>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 03:38:09 -0400
To: WN-USERS@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Sense keys in HyperDic 2.0
Message-ID: <200407190738.i6J7c9Ya000963@Princeton.EDU>
Reply-To: Eric Kafe <kafe@MEGADOC.NET>

The HyperDic online hyper-dictionary,
freely accessible at http://www.hyperdic.com/
was recently updated to WordNet 2.0, with full
coverage of over 140,000 word forms.

As a notable change in this version of HyperDic,
any reference to WordNet's merely accidental
"synset offsets" has been entirely abandoned.

Instead, HyperDic now references each individual
word sense with a permanent identifier, consisting
in the non-void parts of WordNet's "sense key"
and expressed as a hypertext anchor.

Quoting WordNet's "senseidx" manual page:

    A sense_key is the best way to represent a sense
    in semantic tagging or other systems that refer to
    WordNet senses. sense_keys are independent of WordNet
    sense numbers and synset_offsets, which vary between
    versions of the database.

Thus, sense keys provide a stable basis for the
inter-operation between semantic web applications
that rely on different versions of WordNet.

    Best regards

    Eric Kafe

HyperDic, Hyper-Dictionary of English

----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Monday, 19 July 2004 05:08:44 UTC