Re: [ALL] Agenda Jul8 telecon

Apologies.  I will be back on 2 August and look forward to
picking up on the VM draft at that time (and to figuring out
how to generate and install a SSH2 public key so that I can
use CVS for the draft - any references to an easy explanation
[*] appreciated...).


[*] I use CVS from a command line.

Dr. Thomas Baker              
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven         mobile +49-160-9664-2129
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft                          work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany                    fax +49-2241-144-2352
Personal email:

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 12:16:30 UTC