my top-3

hi all,

I'm Libby Miller from the University of Bristol and I hope to be
involved in the working group. I work on the SWAD-Europe project[1],
an EU funded project with a large component of best-practices type

I've recently been working on an RDF version of icalendar[2] as part of
the RDF calendar taskforce, and also on a combination of existing and
new vocabularies used together for an image annotation application[3].
Dan Brickley and I are cocreators of FOAF[4], an RDF vocabulary for
describing people - because of this we get a lot of questions on these
types of topics. My top 3 are:

* sample instance documents showing for example, use of a single
vocabulary, use of several vocabularies together. In some cases, advice
on creating and using example files for testing a vocabulary may be
useful, as in the RDF Calendar work

* advice on identification of things, people, events etc:
in FOAF we have used owl:inverseFunctionalProperty to do this; many
people have an instinct to use uris for these things - clear advice and
discussion of the costs and benefits of the different approaches would
be very useful to point to. Identifying that two individual things are
the same thing in a distributed way is a core part of the 'webbiness' of
this type of data.

* for newbies: pointers to existing vocabularies, mechanisms for reusing
all or part of existing vocabularies with their own vocabulary, and advice
about when reusing is a good thing to do.



Received on Thursday, 4 March 2004 06:33:21 UTC