some webarch comments relevant to sw-meaning


The last time we got together synchronously was 31 Oct

After that, we went email-only, with some expectation of resuming
after the first of the year.

It seems that several of the participants in this forum wrote some
relevant stuff as comments on the webarch last call:

comment on URI and resource ownership in WebArch document Peter F.
Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 12 February)

comments on Web Architecture First Edition
Pat Hayes 17 Mar 2004

   * LC Comments, 3.4 Bijan Parsia 
  * LC Commnets, section 3.0, editorial Bijan Parsia 
  * LC Comments, 2.5 Bijan Parsia 
  * LC Comments, 2.2-2.3 Bijan Parsia 
  * LC Comment, Section 2 (or is it 2.0?) Bijan Parsia 

Several of those comments seem pretty relevant to the rdfURIMeaning

and to the httpRange issue

The TAG was trying to defer those until later...

The TAG charter describes a process for issue resolution by the TAG. In
accordance with those provisions, the TAG maintains a running issues
list. The First Edition of "Architecture of the World Wide Web" does not
address every issue that the TAG has accepted since it began work in
January 2002. The TAG has selected a subset of issues that the First
Edition does address to the satisfaction of the TAG; those issues are
identified in the TAG's issues list. The TAG intends to address the
remaining (and future) issues after publication of the First Edition as
a Recommendation.

but those comments seem to argue that's not satisfactory. Hmm.

Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May?

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2004 12:12:47 UTC