Re: Totalitarian control Re: An intuition pump

Le mardi, 23 sep 2003, à 20:17 America/Montreal, pat hayes a écrit :
> trees, and all the left feet... in fact, an ontology can be about 
> ANYTHING, right? Just as a Web page can be. How can one set up a 
> universal WW naming system for everything? How would it be organized? 
> Dewey Decimal, maybe? Or using the classification structure of Roget's 
> thesaurus?
> And this is just the particular things. We will also need universally 
> agreed names for all the classes and properties that one might want to 
> use...

I was not so ambitious. :))) I didn't mean to categorize the 
information, I was just thinking about giving a reference which is not 
dependent on a domain name.

Each time an uri is created it has a reference number. I think the 
system that Sandro proposed in the past was taking into account the 
date too. if the content was changing; a kind of versioning.

My suggestion was just to escape the technical cheating on domain name, 
business interests, etc....

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2003 22:12:04 UTC