Re: transform attribute in <svg> element allowed?

Both inkscape (v 0.91) and apache batik (v 1.8) - two svg viewers/editors -
display the standalone graphic upside down - i.e. ignoring the
transform= attribute. I'll let the others
continue the discussion about whether the attribute is valid etc.

On Thu, 17/3/16, Sairus Patel <> wrote:

 A couple of SVG-in-OT fonts use the transform
 attribute in the <svg> element: Bixa Color,
 just released last week, and Gecko Emoji,
 however, doesn't include transform in the list of
 allowable attributes in the <svg> element.
 The font still "works" in Firefox, but if you
 extract a glyph's svg doc from the 'SVG ' table
 and display it in Chrome, IE, or Safari as a standalone
 graphic, it will show as being inverted (flipped upside
 Could someone please confirm that this interpretation is
 correct, and that there is no "story" to keep in
 mind around this such as a move to allow transform in the
 svg element in the future?
 FYI, here is the code for Bixa’s glyph B (with Roel
 Nieskens’ permission):
 <?xml version="1.0"
 <svg xmlns=""
 version="1.2" enable-background="new 55 25
 555 775" id="glyph37"
 <path fill="#ED0088"  d="M377 25 C414
 88 433 164 433 250 C433 291 399 325 358 325 L305 325 L305
 362 C326 374 347 384 369 392 C401 403 405 526 405 550 C405
 591 371 625 330 625 L306 625 C312 681 328 730 352 771 C440
 753 506 670 506 579 C506 429 425 417 425 417
  C425 417 555 435 555 253 C555 120 482 32 377 25 L377 25
 L377 25 Z " />
 <path fill="#00AFE9"  d="M80 175 C121
 175 155 209 155 250 L155 550 C155 591 121 625 80 625 L55 625
 L55 775 L297 775 C269 718 253 650 254 575 C255 536 248 475
 305 475 L330 475 C337 475 343 476 350 478 C347 463 344 448
 341 435 C322 427 255 403 255 377 L255 225
  C255 198 278 175 305 175 L358 175 C365 175 371 176 378 178
 C368 117 347 66 316 25 L55 25 L55 175 L80 175 L80 175 Z
 " />
 <path fill="#30328C"  d="M456 579
 C456 568 455 557 455 547 L455 550 C456 619 399 675 330 675
 L305 675 C250 675 205 630 205 575 L205 550 C205 610 162 661
 105 672 L105 725 L315 725 C392 725 456 657 456 579 L456 579
 L456 579 Z M505 253 C505 134 441 75 364 75 L105
  75 L105 128 C162 139 205 190 205 250 L205 225 C205 170 250
 125 305 125 L358 125 C427 125 483 181 483 250 C483 319 427
 375 358 375 L305 375 C250 375 205 330 205 275 L205 525 C205
 470 248 429 303 429 C395 429 505 413 505 253 L505 253 L505
 253 Z " />

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2016 23:21:50 UTC