- From: Sairus Patel <sppatel@adobe.com>
- Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:55:36 -0700
- To: "mpeg-OTspec@yahoogroups.com" <mpeg-OTspec@yahoogroups.com>, "opentype-migration-list@indx.co.uk" <opentype-migration-list@indx.co.uk>, "public-svgopentype@w3.org" <public-svgopentype@w3.org>
It is my distinct pleasure (not having done any of the work myself!) to report: 1. Firefox now supports SVG OT animations. - Many thanks to Rob O'Callahan - Unified MozillaAdobe proposal supported - Experimental builds only right now: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/try-builds/rocallahan@mozill a.com-3354d4190694/ 2. A cool new web app, with instant preview, for creating SVG OT fonts. - Open an existing OT font, create/edit an SVG table document, see the results on (editable) sample text. Updated on every keystroke! Save the modified font. - Thanks again to Rob O'Callahan. - Give it a whirl: https://github.com/rocallahan/svg-opentype-workshop 3. Here's a demo of using this web app: http://people.mozilla.com/~roc/animated-SVG-glyphs.webm - Watch the bouncing dot on the "i"! And, as already reported by David Lemon of the Adobe Type team, here's some proof-of-concept animated SVG glyph artwork (no emoji this time!) to stimulate ideas and discussion: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/type/svgopentype.html. Expect it to be extended with more examples in the future. We are now truly in a position to play with SVG OT and see what else is needed to finesse the technology. Sairus
Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 01:56:09 UTC