SVG tools that aren't bad for accessibility


I'm going to confess that I currently use Atom (plus some copy-paste) to  
create and modify SVG. That's not a very good answer for the real world  
question "how do I edit this SVG without breaking its accessibility?", and  
that's a question that is increasingly common.

I'm wondering of course if there are tools with good SVG accessibility  
support. In an ideal world, tools that conform to the requirements in and effectively demonstrate that those requirements  
are actually the right ones. Since that seems like a hopeless dream 20  
years since I looked at what it would take to make SVG tools conform, I'd  
be happy with

- doesn't break existing source, especially accessibility features like  
ARIA attributes and desc/title elements
- allows adding desc / title to objects in the drawing
- uses text elements for all text
- can use and optimise CSS

If anyone knows of something that good I would be really happy to learn.  
If anyone knows of a tool that just meets the first requirement, that  
would be very helpful information that I don't have (I suspect and really  
hope there is more than one though).



Charles "chaals" Nevile
ConsenSys Lead Standards Architect

Received on Monday, 30 August 2021 05:08:05 UTC