SVG Authoring Tools

Hi, folks–

I've been involved in an email thread about the 'longdesc' attribute and 
SVG, where John Foliot asked me about SVG authoring tools and their 
support for basic accessibility features, like <title> and <desc>.

This led me to do some research, and I wrote a blog post about the 
current state of SVG authoring tool accessibility:

In writing that post, I saw a need for an tool to make SVGs accessible, 
so I wrote a simple prototype to help out, called Describler:

In the blog post, I suggested that people who wanted to help out get 
involved in this community group. I recently spoke to the SVG WG about 
this CG, and they are very interested and receptive to what comes out of 
our work.

p.s. Please, please, please, let's not talk about 'longdesc' on this list...


Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 23:40:03 UTC