svg2: changed focus events to be in line with DOM3 events

changeset: 566:2e69c11e540b
user:      Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
date:      Wed Nov 20 12:45:54 2013 -0600
changed focus events to be in line with DOM3 events


 master/interact.html |  36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 master/script.html   |   2 ++
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (90 lines):

diff --git a/master/interact.html b/master/interact.html
--- a/master/interact.html
+++ b/master/interact.html
@@ -199,36 +199,56 @@ required to fire for every element.</p>
     <table  class="vert event-table">
         <th>Event name and description</th>
         <th>DOM3 or UI Event name</th>
         <th>Event category</th>
         <th>Event attribute name</th>
+        <td id="FocusEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>focus</strong></p>
+          <p>Occurs when an element receives focus. The focus must be given to the element before the dispatch of this event type.</p></td>
+        <td>focus</td>
+        <td><a
+       href="">
+        FocusEvent</a></td>
+        <td><a
+        href="script.html#OnFocusEventAttribute">onfocus</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
         <td id="FocusInEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>focusin</strong></p>
-          <p>Occurs when an element receives focus, such as when a <a>'text'</a> becomes selected.</p></td>
-        <td>DOMFocusIn</td>
+          <p>Occurs when an element is about to receive focus.</p></td>
+        <td>focusin</td>
-        href="">
-        UIEvent</a></td>
+        href="">
+        FocusEvent</a></td>
         <td id="FocusOutEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>focusout</strong></p>
-        <p>Occurs when an element loses focus, such as when a <a>'text'</a> becomes unselected.</p></td>
-        <td>DOMFocusOut</td>
+        <p>Occurs when an element is about to lose focus. The event must be dispatched to before the element loses focus. The element must be the element which is about to lose focus</p></td>
+        <td>focusout</td>
-        href="">
-        UIEvent</a></td>
+        href="">
+        FocusEvent</a></td>
+        <td id="BlurEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>blur</strong></p>        <p>Occurs when an element loses focus. The focus must be taken from the element before the dispatch of this event type.</p></td>
+        <td>blur</td>
+        <td><a
+        href="">
+        FocusEvent</a></td>
+        <td><a
+        href="script.html#OnBlurEventAttribute">onblur</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
         <td id="KeyDownEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>keydown</strong></p>
         <p>Occurs when a key is pressed down. The keydown event type is device dependent and relies on the capabilities         of the input devices and how they are mapped in the operating system.
diff --git a/master/script.html b/master/script.html
--- a/master/script.html
+++ b/master/script.html
@@ -276,16 +276,18 @@ specified on it.)</p>
         <th>Lacuna value</th>
           <dfn id="OnFocusInEventAttribute">onfocusin</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnFocusOutEventAttribute">onfocusout</dfn>,
+          <dfn id="OnFocusEventAttribute">onfocus</dfn>,
+          <dfn id="OnBlurEventAttribute">onblur</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnClickEventAttribute">onclick</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnKeyDownEventAttribute">onkeydown</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnKeyUpEventAttribute">onkeyup</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnMouseDownEventAttribute">onmousedown</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnMouseUpEventAttribute">onmouseup</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnMouseOverEventAttribute">onmouseover</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnMouseMoveEventAttribute">onmousemove</dfn>,
           <dfn id="OnMouseOutEventAttribute">onmouseout</dfn>

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 18:48:25 UTC