svg2: change event table headers

changeset: 556:828b79c6e290
user:      Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
date:      Mon Nov 18 16:29:40 2013 -0600
change event table headers


 master/interact.html |  6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diffs (31 lines):

diff --git a/master/interact.html b/master/interact.html
--- a/master/interact.html
+++ b/master/interact.html
@@ -188,24 +188,24 @@ using the <code>createEvent</code> metho
 or be cancelable with the
 <a class='idlattr' href=''>initEvent</a>
 <p class="issue">Having all these SVG-specific duplicates of standard DOM events isn't
 ideal.  How much can we remove?  SVGLoad in particular, and how it is currently
 required to fire for every element.</p>
-<p class="issue">DOM 2 has no keyboard events in it. The only normative spec. on this is a new <a href="">UI events</a> specification that should become a public working draft soon. This is a replacement for the DOM 3 Events spec. The group needs to discuss the current limitation in using DOM 2 events. Also, DOMActivate does not appear in the UI Events Spec. Regarding the activate event, user agents treat click the same as activate. We should question whether we should call the table headers DOM2 name and DOM2 category. These are insufficient. Should we reference the UIEvent spec. vs. the DOM2 Event where there is overlap?
+<p class="issue">DOM 3 and UI Event both define a keyboard event where UI Event introduced a key code which appears to be necessary per the WebApps effort. UI Event is an extension to KeyboardEvent in DOM 3. The group needs to discuss whether to use the UIEvent or DOM3 Event for keyboard. Also, HTML has taken on DOM 4 events and the group needes to decide what to do with this long term. Additionally, DOMActivate does not appear in the UI Events or DOM 3 Events Specs. Regarding the activate event, user agents treat click the same as activate. 
     <table  class="vert event-table">
         <th>Event name and description</th>
-        <th>DOM2 name</th>
-        <th>DOM2 category</th>
+        <th>DOM3 or UI Event name</th>
+        <th>Event category</th>
         <th>Event attribute name</th>
         <td id="FocusInEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>focusin</strong></p>
           <p>Occurs when an element receives focus, such as when a <a>'text'</a> becomes selected.</p></td>

Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 22:32:01 UTC