Re: SVG2 spec.

We have separated out a document for ARIA authoring practices as they apply
to HTML and you can see that it is rather large:

We do have one for ARIA and HTML:

We would need to do a similar document for SVG. If we were to keep the
appendix I think it would be to highlight the accessibility features of SVG
but not to highlight how to use them. I would be willing to modify the
appendix to highlight the accessibility features but for the bigger
document we could coordinate that with Doug's SVG accessibility efforts for
the current state of the art. I do think it is needed.

Accessibility features of SVG2 off the top of my head:

- tabindex and new keyboard focus capability for JavaScript authors
- <desc>, <title> for name and description information
- location information delivered from the layout engine (Canvas does not
have this)
- WAI-ARIA 1.1
- lang attribute
- access to text

Potential: MathML embedded in SVG. I am having a call with Benetech and
Freedom Scientific this week to discuss the underlying OS mapping layers if
we were to go with this approach.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Dirk Schulze <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Cc:	SVG WG <>, SVG public list <>
Date:	11/18/2013 12:05 PM
Subject:	Re: SVG2 spec.

On Nov 18, 2013, at 11:05 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <>

> 2. Accessibility appendix
> The appendix has a section on SVG accessibility which given the extensive
enhancements to SVG accessibility having an appendix will be woefully
inadequate. Is there any objection to removing this section? This really
needs to be a separate document. ... we basically need an authoring
practices guide.

Is your accessibility work in a separate document or in SVG? To the
appendix section, agree.


Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 18:37:17 UTC