Re: agenda, 8 August 2013 SVG WG telcon


This is a step in the right direction. It will make developer's lives
easier and I think it ultimately will promote SVG adoption. The use of
lower case attribute names was something we addressed early on in ARIA. It
greatly reduced complexity. If we do this we will need to open it up wider
than just HTML early. I am thinking ePub for example.



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On Aug 7, 2013, at 10:07 PM, "Cameron McCormack" <> wrote:

> Cameron McCormack wrote:
> > * Ideas for opting in to an improved SVG DOM
> Some background for this item.  A couple of weeks ago I spent some time
> thinking about what would be needed for the "have a big switch to opt in
> to a new SVG DOM" idea that has come up from time to time.  Specifically
> I remember Tab mentioning this in Hamburg, saying that it might be
> possible to key this off namespaces.
> So I wrote up some notes on this.  It's a complete strawman, and might
> be considered to be radical; I haven't even decided myself yet whether I
> would commit to the idea. :-)  But it's probably useful for us to see
> what kinds of changes it would allow and would require.
> It's probably not enough time for people to digest, but we can have
> discuss it briefly on the call tomorrow and then come back to it more
> substantively later on.

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2013 11:11:28 UTC