Re: experimenting with different element summary box format

On 21/08/2012 5:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
> I thought I would try something different with the blue element
> summary boxes:
> As you can see, I've formatted it as a table, more like the property
> definition boxes.  I've also:
> * made the lists of element categories and elements (for the content
> model) and the attribute categories and individual attributes inline list
> * put the IDL right there
> I'm not sure how well it works.  It might be better if the
> element/attribute categories were still one per line, but the
> individual ones were in an inline list?
I prefer the more compact form you get from the inline list. For me,
it's easier to scan to find what I want.
I think that overall, it's a big improvement.


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Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 22:52:36 UTC