How to fix a link reference in the spec ?

Hi all,

I noticed a wrong link in the spec. The definition of spreadMethod in the radialGradient element is supposed to point to the spreadMethod of the linearGradient element. See the following extract of the published spec.

<dt id="RadialGradientElementSpreadMethodAttribute"><span class="adef">spreadMethod</span> = "pad | reflect |
         repeat"</dt><dd>Indicates what happens if the gradient starts or ends
         inside the bounds of the object(s) being painted by the
         gradient. Has the same values and meanings as the <a href="pservers.html#RadialGradientElementSpreadMethodAttribute"><span class="attr-name">‘spreadMethod’</span></a>
         attribute on <a href="pservers.html#LinearGradientElement"><span class="element-name">‘linearGradient’</span></a> element.<br/>
          <span class="anim-target"><a href="animate.html#Animatable">Animatable</a>:

I want to fix it but looking at the pservers.html in master (, thx Chris) it has no links in it:
<dt id="RadialGradientElementSpreadMethodAttribute"><span
         class="adef">spreadMethod</span> = "pad | reflect |
         <dd>Indicates what happens if the gradient starts or ends
         inside the bounds of the object(s) being painted by the
         gradient. Has the same values and meanings as the <a>'spreadMethod'</a>
         attribute on <a>'linearGradient'</a> element.<br />
          <span class="anim-target"><a

How should it be fixed ?


Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2011 09:37:02 UTC