SVG-ISSUE-2416 (gradient-bbox-stroke): Consider allowing zero height or width bbox gradients, and/or adjusting the bbox for stroke to be the actual stroke region [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2416 (gradient-bbox-stroke): Consider allowing zero height or width bbox gradients, and/or adjusting the bbox for stroke to be the actual stroke region [SVG 2]

Raised by: Cameron McCormack
On product: SVG 2

We should consider allowing gradients where the bounding box is zero width or height to render successfully, since it can have a sensible rendering.  Another related issue to consider is whether the bounding box to take when stroking a shape should be the bounding box of the stroke paint rather than the bounding box of the fill shape.

www-svg thread:$735523b0$59ff6b10$@net

Received on Saturday, 23 July 2011 00:30:31 UTC