struct-svg-01-f relies on unspecified SVGLength.valueAsString serialisation

struct-svg-01-f assumes that SVGLength.valueAsString returns strings in
a particular format.  Specifically, it assumes that the implied x="0%"
on <svg> is returned as "0%" and the implied width="100%" is returned as
"100%".  Batik returns "0.0%" and "100.0%" respectively, and fails
because of it.  There are many valid length strings that could be
returned here, since we do not define it.

I propose to change the test to allow Batik’s values to pass the test in
the following manner:

* assert that the final character is '%'
* remove the '%', pass the result to Number(), and assert that it is the
    right value

(CCing Pat since it is a Microsoft test.)

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 31 January 2011 02:27:23 UTC