coords-units-03-b pass criteria

coords-units-03-b needs better pass criteria.  I was thinking to make it
state that the top five lines (except for the one using ex) need to be
the same width and that the bottom five lines also need to be the same
width (and to give the bottom five lines a reference line whose size is
specified in px).

What to do about the ex one?  Currently the test uses SVGFreeSansAscii
(due to the test template) so if we assume SVG Fonts support we can get
an exact mapping of ex to px.  If we want to avoid relying on SVG Fonts
here, then we could add the WOFF or OTF fallback for it, just like for
the other non-SVG-Fonts-focused tests.  I’d rather this than dropping
the subtest.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 2010 22:02:25 UTC