Agenda Proposal for TPAC 2010

I know folks asked to update the Wiki. Since I am in flight, I am sending this hoping that it will reach you as soon as my machine gets a connection.  Perhaps this could help us organize our days.  Can we see if we can get this settled via email so we don't lose valuable face-to-face time?

Either way, I hope this is received as a proposal.

I’ve reversed what I would have done on day 1 vs. day 2 because we will want to front load the conversation with CSS.

Agenda / Proposal for SVG TPAC Face to Face Agenda
Pre Face-to-Face
• Establish Concrete Time to meet with CSS about “FX” specifications
Day 1 – Center on Technology Prioritization / Integration
• 1 Hour – Consider each of the high level scenarios from Belgium
 o Revisit SVG Scenarios and Prioritize to 1 or 2
 o Establish General Path of Investments from Priorities
 o Identify owner(s) for guiding principles with dates
•3 hours - Combined Transforms / Transitions / Animations 
 o Feature Considerations (framed by animation write up)
   Close on scenarios 
   Consider more feature modularization: 2D + 3D, Transitions + Animations
   Conclusive about SMIL in HTML short term
   SVG DOM Rationalization
•4 Hours – Meet with CSS
 o Discuss outcome of combined animation proposal
 o Filters in HTML
   Examine Mozilla Proposal / Work
   Consider  <def> <use> architecture 
   Are ‘canned’ CSS ‘effects’ just macros for chained SVG filters?
  • Are there new low level filters needed?
 o Can gradients use this same design?
 o Actions
   Scope work propose animations, gradients and filters
   Identify Specification Owner(s)
   Establish Reachable Goals for Dates and Last Call
Day 2 – Execution
(I feel that there is a lot of pent up desire to talk a little about the more distant future, so I have included a talk on SVG2 that didn’t fit on day 1)
•2 Hours - SVG2  
 o Integrate  vector graphics and document constructs
 o <foreignContent> or not?
 o New SVG Work, e.g. Coons patches research (gradients)
•1 Hour - Close SVG 1.1F2
 o Finalize Implementation Report Structure
 o Set dates for SVG 1.1F2 Implementation reports
 o SVG 1.1F2 LC status update
•2 Hours - Retrospective on last year
 o What went well, what could have gone better, who owns making changes
 o Propose cross working group guiding principles 
 o Testing strategies, test guidelines and moving forward (related to
 o Reducing and Improving Face-to-Face time and telecon through technology
			Learn from other WGs
			Face-to-Face when required vs. every 3 months
   Temporary transcription help and editing resources from Microsoft  
   WebCam/Video Conference possibilities
•3 Hours - Establish Calendar Year 2011 Execution and Deliverables – Getting Started
 o Create realistic (conservative) Publication schedule
 o Clear (organize) issue tracker, cross-group linking


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Dengler 
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: TPAC/SVG meeting times

Hi folks,

I couldn't figure out from the site whether or not the SVG Working group was assembling any other days than the times/days listed on the agenda for Thur/Fri?

Can someone give me full information on days/times that we are meeting.  I apologize if this is obvious and I just missed it.

I'm on my way to the airport, will arrive Monday morning and take the train there (if i can!)

Received on Monday, 1 November 2010 13:01:27 UTC