Re: ISSUE-2384: Order of rx / ry computation for rounded rects [SVG Full 1.1]


--Original Message--:
>Alex Danilo:
>> So, it's default then clamp as clearly specified.
>I don’t think it’s clear at all. :-)  The two sentences
>  If a properly specified value is provided for ‘rx’ but not for ‘ry’,
>  then the user agent processes the ‘rect’ element with the effective
>  value for ‘ry’ as equal to ‘rx’.
>  If ‘ry’ is greater than half of the height of the rectangle, then the
>  user agent processes the ‘rect’ element with the effective value for
>  ‘ry’ as half of the height of the rectangle.
>seem to me to give conflicting definitions of what the effective value
>for ‘ry’ is.

An English speaker would in normal cases read a paragraph from top
to bottom.

The first sentence tells you what to do when there is a missing
attribute - replace with the other one if it's there. Then further down
in the paragaph in order is what to do if the value being processed
exceeds a limit, i.e. it's clamped.

Curiously, ASV3, Bitflash, Ikivo, Abbra, Batik, WebKit, Firefox all
read that paragraph from top to bottom, implemented it that way
and have consistent rendering (despite there being no such
test authored at the time they did their implementations).

Opera came along late in the game and implemented it differently
and if I were a betting man, I would say IE9's team used Opera
as a reference implementation when they should be using

You are free to be be confused but the test is wrong.

The grammatical clarity of the paragraph in question is
an orthogonal issue.


>Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Thursday, 21 October 2010 22:50:15 UTC