Re: Reviewed filters-displacement-02-f.svg test

On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 4:21:58 PM, Erik wrote:

ED> Hi Chris,

ED> I've reviewed your filters-displacement-02-f.svg testcase, adding pass
ED> criteria and some more testcase description text. Please verify that the
ED> changes are ok, I've marked the test as reviewed for now. I noted that
ED> firefox displayed the bottom gradient with a reddish tint applied (making
ED> it look different from the top gradient which is using essentially the
ED> same filter).

Thanks, I will have a look (but am getting ready for another telcon at the moment).

ED> P.S. As a side-effect of reviewing, I also noticed that we had lost some
ED> information that was visible in the old 1.1 spec. Default values that were
ED> shown in the DTD snippets are not there anymore since we use the new spec
ED> style for elements. I updated the 1.1F2 spec to explicitly mention the
ED> default values for xChannelSelector and yChannelSelector [2].

Ouch. We need to do a pass through the whole 1.1 spec looking for things that depended on DTD defaulting.

On the other hand, the explicit prose is clearer and easier to understand than reading a DTD snippet or schema snippet.

Do we define 'lacuna value' in 1.1SE?

ED> [1]
ED> [2]  

 Chris Lilley          
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 16:14:50 UTC