SVG Full 1.1 2nd Edition Test Suite Update

Hi everyone,

I've made an initial commit of the SVG Full 1.1 2nd test harness generation 
scripts. Currently there are scripts to
  - generate a manifest (database of tests that get published)
  - generate the reference images
  - generate the test harness

  - Batik in the 'tools' section has been recommitted with binary flags, so it 
should checkout nicely now and just work. Although you might want to blow away 
your current Batik checkout then do an update -d.

  - A new version of the test harness which uses svgweb is generated by the 
scripts now. To use the svgweb version of the test harness you'll need to make 
sure to run an update -d on the 'tools' section to get the svgweb directory. 
Then run the harness generation script afterwards to create svgweb harness.

There are scripts for reporting that need to be completed. These are
  - generate test suite status
  - generate implementation query
  - generate implementation matrix

I've started working on these.

Any questions please let me know.



Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 06:08:04 UTC