Re: SVGLength behaviour tightening

Make it so.


Cameron McCormack wrote (on 8/30/09 1:50 AM):
> I’d like to define the behaviour of SVGLength (and similarly for
> SVGAngle) when the attribute contains an invalid string such that:
>    * unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN, value is NaN,
>      valueInSpecifiedUnits is NaN and valueAsString is "";
>    * when assigning to value or validInSpecifiedUnits that the length is
>      set to that value in user units;
>    * assigning to valueAsString or calling newValueSpecifiedUnits works
>      normally; and
>    * calling convertToSpecifiedUnits throws an exception.
> Also I’d like to make it clear that assigning to value will keep
> unitType as whatever it was before, and not just change it to
> Let me know if you think this is reasonable.

Received on Sunday, 30 August 2009 06:50:45 UTC