Re: ISSUE-2275 (script_type_processing): Define processing for @type in script elements [SVG Core 2.0]

Chris Lilley:
> Incidentally, why is HTML5 making the default be text/javascript
> rather than application/ecmascript?

The argument is:

  * Processing requirements for text/javascript and
    application/ecmascript don’t differ in HTML 5.

  * RFC 4239 is not referenced because it makes requirements that are
    incompatible with some requirements in HTML 5, such as determining
    encoding of scripts.

  * The name "text/javascript" is much more widely used in practice.

  * Changing the default script type to application/ecmascript then
    would not result in changes to implementation requirements, so
    given that text/javascript is used more widely, that is what is

Some IRC discussion that teased these arguments out:

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 02:30:10 UTC