Re: Tests required for recent changes to SVG 1.1 Second Edition

Chris Lilley:
> I added two tests, using the new template, which check that an unknown
> scripting language (which looks exactly like ECMAScript, but is
> declared to be something else) is not executed.
> script-specify-01-f.svg tests @contentScriptType on the root svg
> script-specify-02-f.svg tests @type on script
> The tests use a slightly modified script (different message) from
> script-handle-01-b.svg and assume that application/noSuchLanguage is
> not supported.
> Reviewers welcome. These are straightforward tests.

These look OK to me, mark me as reviewer.  I also added “script-specify”
to to match
your file naming.

I think they can be basic tests, since they don’t need anything that is
in Full that’s not in the Basic profile.

Speaking of Basic, do we really want to maintain the Tiny and Basic test
suite (and the Mobile SVG Profiles spec)?

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Friday, 29 May 2009 06:16:22 UTC