Re: Urgent Help


1)    I have the following piece of  code in my svg

    <path id="attract" style="fill:none" d="M 177,235 C 160,235 160,115 
    <text style="fill:white;font-size:25 
    <textPath xlink:href="#attract">

Now I would like to align the text 'ATTRACT' in the center of the curve. 
I'm not able to achieve this using text-anchor:middle. Please help

2)  I would like to zoom my svg image programmatically. I know it can 
done. But my zooming requires that the width alone be increased and the 
height remains          constant. How can I do it.

With regards

Dean Jackson wrote:

> Hi Ganesh,
> On 19 Apr 2005, at 00:29, ganesh jothikumar wrote:
>>  I have a requirement wherin I will have to zoom the svg image. I 
>> know that this can be done using CTRL key. But can this be done 
>> programaticaly.
> Firstly, you might want to ask this question on 
> This email list is for discussing the SVG print specification, not really
> the behaviour of an implementation.
> Having said that, a programmatic zoom is indeed possible in the SVG
> language (on any viewer). You have a few choices:
> - if you have scripting (such as the Adobe viewer or Batik) you can
>   modify the currentScale attribute on the SVGDocument element via
>   Javascript.
> - if you have animation you can have an element in the SVG document
>   that animates the viewBox attribute on the root <svg> element.
> There are also a few other ways (such as putting a transform on a <g>
> element that wraps everything you want to zoom).
> I suggest the first option (using javascript). If you do a search
> for "svg currentScale" you'll probably find code.
> Dean


Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2005 16:13:14 UTC