Re: Multiple docs in one print job (new element <pagegroup>) ...

At 9:18 AM +0100 1/2/04, Roland Mainz wrote:
>ISO 10175 and some advanced print spoolers from HP and IBM support an
>extended model for print jobs, adding an intermediate layer between a
>"job" and single "pages" called "document" (please don't mix this up
>with "XML/HTML/SVG/DocBook/flying-dog-encoded-in-XML/etc. document"...
>maybe a better name would be "pagegroup" to avoid confusion :) to group
>multiple pages together (one of the main purposes was to have additional
>control over postprocessing units (such as sorter/binder units attached
>to the output of (large!!) laser printers)), e.g. the job structure then
>looks like this:

	This is the type of thing that JDF should be used for...

Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

Received on Sunday, 4 January 2004 12:25:23 UTC