Re: Odd things in SVG 2

Hi Fred,

This is the same issue as with tabindex, where these attributes are just
universally added to all SVG elements regardless of whether they make any
sense.  The relevant section is here:

The tables in the Attribute Index are then automatically generated from

I believe the argument for this approach is that it makes it easier to
implement the DOM interfaces, if all these features can be just added to
the Element interface that is shared by SVG and HTML.  Unfortunately, it
means that a basic validity checker tool is not going to identify these
nonsensical uses of interactive attributes on non-rendered elements.

You can add it to the list of concerns to bring up with the main SVG WG
regarding the interactivity chapter.


On 9 February 2016 at 13:43, Fred Esch <> wrote:

> All,
> I am looking at the Attribute Index
> <> for SVG 2. I noticed that in
> the table, the *onclick* attribute can be placed on a number of elements
> including hatch, hatchpath, linearGradient, mesh, meshpatch, meshrow,
> metadata, radialGradient, script and switch. Interestingly many, of the
> same elements can have drag events, ontoggle, onsubmit, mouse events, my
> favorite onvolumenchange, ... onfocus and tabindex. Is the table in the
> Attribute Index up to date?
> Regards,
> Fred Esch
> Watson, IBM, W3C Accessibility
> [image: IBM Watson] Watson Release Management and Quality

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 21:30:16 UTC