- From: Amelia Bellamy-Royds <amelia.bellamy.royds@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 14:37:03 -0600
- To: public-svg-a11y@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAFDDJ7z__RiPQ_78m9mvoHN5ad8N=xwEJtA7wFnc7+8vre0PKg@mail.gmail.com>
As promised, I've worked through a couple examples using the proposed data properties. Both graphics are adapted from Fred's SVG samples (the zip file is on the wiki [1]), so you can compare. Overall notes on the taxonomy and roles, based on trying to put them to use: - I've been using Fred's "graphics-dataitem" role name instead of "graphics-datapoint". I decided that "point" might be confusing for non-statistical users when talking about bar charts and pie graphs. However, I have still been using the more limited definition, only applying the role to individual data entries and not to data summary features. - For the issue of multiple variables expressed on the same scale or axis (as described in a previous email [2]), I have introduced a new property, which I'm currently calling aria-datavariablenames (data variable names; suggestions for shorter alternatives welcome). The `aria-datascales` property for a data group or data item would reference the scales by id, with repeats. The data variable names property would provide human-readable names for each variable. If not provided, the name of the variable would be the name of the scale. This allows you to have "min temp" and "max temp" variable both measured on your "temperature" axis. - As discussed in that email, I also added an `aria-dataunits` property to complement `aria-datatype` on each axis/scale. - These two examples don't deal with the nested groups issue (also described in [2]), but I'm leaning towards using an array-queue approach, where the group can define all variables, but only set data for some of them, and then any data assigned on the individual items is associated with the remaining variables in order. - I found that I very often didn't have to use the `aria-valuenow` and `aria-valuetext` properties on axis ticks and categories: the default of using the plain text content was often enough. Notes on histogram.svg: - The graphic is a histogram (bar chart representing counts for different values in a continuous range). Fred's descriptive text interprets this as a distribution of the ages of users of some unknown product (a product that must be oriented to children, since the age peaks in the 5-10 range). There is a smoothed-curve trend line superimposed on the bars. I don't have information on how the trend was calculated, but it looks like a running average of some sort. - I made some minor changes to the chart appearance, and cleaned up the markup a bit to remove redundant attributes. However, the major changes are in the metadata and alternative text. - Fred had assigned detailed descriptions of each data entry in title elements. I've replaced that with short tooltips that would be appropriate for visual users to complement the graph. Normally, this would mean adding aria-label to create a good accessible text, but I'm assuming that an AT in this case would use the ARIA chart properties to create the accessible descriptions. - I still have detailed alternative text for more complex features, such as the trend line. The line is also marked up with `role="graphics-datasummary"`. - I've encode the x-axis (the age ranges) as a continuous numerical axis. Each individual bars has max and min age variables. Alternatively, of course, I could have used named ordered categories for each age range. - The y-axis (the number of users in each age range) is a "count" datatype. - I've followed Fred's pattern and used an `aria-datagroup` role to collect all the bars together. Although there is only the one group in the entire chart, this allows me to assign the `aria-datascales` and `aria-datavariablenames` attributes once for the entire group. The scales are id-refs, with a duplicate reference to the x-axis. The variable names are what would be read to the user: min age, max age, count. - The individual bars have `role="aria-dataitem"` and an `aria-datavalues` attribute with three comma-separated numbers. - Both axes use the `aria-orientation` property to define vertical vs horizontal. The use `aria-valuemin` and `aria-valuemax` to define the range displayed on the axis (not the range of the data). The age axis uses `aria-dataunit="years"`. The count axis does not need a unit. The axis titles are associated with the axis using `aria-labelledby`; they do not have a special role. - I've assigned the `graphics-tick` role to the axis labels, but treat the tick mark lines and grid lines as presentation only (role="none"). See below for how I approached this differently in the second chart. - The tick mark text content, for both axes, consist of simple numbers that can be successfully parsed for the data type of the axis. Therefore, I did not need extra properties to assign a machine-readable value or a text label. Notes on twoGraphs.svg: - The chart represents multiple measurements of the stock market activity of an unnamed stock for five days in 1980. The information is presented in two vertically-aligned panels, with different y-axes but the same x-axis. The top panel has price-related information using composite lines and bars to show ranges. The bottom panel measures the volume of trades as a bar chart. - I've made a few visible changes to Fred's version of the chart. The main difference is that I added a visible legend to describe the color coding of the bars. I also inserted a missing value and fixed the alignment between the two panels. - I've also changed the interpretation of the data to something I could safely explain. I've never heard of m1 ranges in stock prices, so I've re-interpreted the price ranges as the standard open/close/min/max stock price chart. The bar shows the difference between the daily opening and closing prices, and the line shows the maximum and minimum price for the entire day's trading. The color of the bar indicates whether the opening-closing difference represents a rise in price or a decline. - I've kept Fred's use of the `figure` role for the individual panels. However, I've also assigned the `graphics-datachart` role to the SVG as a whole. This reflects the fact that the layout of the two panels cannot be changed without compromising the information expressed by the shared x-axis. - Again, I've simplified the titles on the data items to only contain information needed to complement the visual display as a tooltip. The axes and the data groups have longer descriptions in <desc> elements, which explain how the data is presented. - I have, however, kept the markup structure used in Fred's version. The max-min ranges are in a separate data group from the open-close ranges, and the volume bar chart is another data group. It's not how I would normally organize the chart, but it's a valid organization. - The max-min ranges represent three data variables: the date on the x-axis and the max and min prices on the price y-axis. Again, the data scales and data variable names are assigned at the group level and then values assigned for each bar. - The open-close bars are similar, but they have an extra variable, representing the rising/falling color encoding. The corresponding data scale is the new legend <g> element. - The volume bars are simpler, with an x (date) and y (count) value each. The data group therefore doesn't need explicit variable names, it can just use the names of the corresponding axes. The id-refs of the axes are still assigned with the `aria-datascales` property. - For both vertical axes, the `graphics-tick` role is again assigned to the visible tick labels. However, I have also used an `aria-owns` relationship to group the grid lines and visible tick mark lines as children of the labelled tick. I think we should encourage authors to include all visible representations of a labelled tick within the role, either by grouping them together or using `aria-owns`. That way, AT can more effectively make use of these guides. For example: - A touch-screen enhanced screen reader could read off the tick labels as a user traces their finger across the graph, crossing gridlines but not necessarily labels. - A visual enhancement for users with cognitive difficulties could highlight gridlines and the associated labels together when the user selected one or the other. - For the price axis, orientation is vertical, the data type is numeric and the data unit is "$". Because the visible tick labels include the dollar signs, and therefore won't parse as machine-readable numbers, I've used the `aria-valuenow` property to assign the machine-readable values. I don't need an `aria-valuetext`, however, since a screenreader will be able to read the visible text just fine. - The volume axis is also vertical, with a count data type and no unit. I've maintained the use of exponential notation for the numbers, to prove you can (although it makes me wince). I have corrected the conversion errors Fred made when trying to make sense of the awful exponential notation (the values are in tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands). The exponential notation is safely parsed by a computer, however, so no need for a separate attribute. - I debated using `aria-valuetext` to provide a reader-friendly text for the volume axis (e.g., 80,000 instead of 8.000E5), but decided to let screen reader users have the same awful number formatting as visual users. That said, for the actual data bars, the tooltip provides a nicely-formatted number. Any automated description based on the `aria-datavalues` would presumably use the AT's localized number formatting (and yes, I know this is one of the issues Fred has brought up). - The date axis is horizontal, and uses the datetime data type. It doesn't have a visible title, so it uses an `aria-label` attribute to assign a name. The unambiguous date format defined in HTML 5 is used for min and max values for the axis, the machine-readable values for the tick marks, and the corresponding values for all the data items. The text value for the tick marks would be read out as is, but again I don't have any way to tell ATs how to format the dates in the data. - Finally, the legend is marked up with `aria-datatype="category"` and is labelled by its visible heading. I've assigned the `graphics-category` role to the colored sample squares, and used `aria-labelledby` to connect each sample with its label. Each category uses `aria-valuenow` to assign the name that will be used in the data entries ("up" or "down"). However, the value text that would be read out will default to the accessible name provided by the label ("Rising" or "Falling"). I'm not sure I'll have time this week, but I have some ideas for some new visualizations that will demonstrate some of the other possible combinations of roles and properties. I would also like to adapt Fred's script for visualizing the accessibility tree, and post the scripts and demos on Github where they will be easier to compare. Hopefully I can get to that next week. Best, Amelia [1]: https://www.w3.org/wiki/File:Svggm.zip [2]: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/0026.html
- image/svg+xml attachment: twoGraphs.svg
- image/svg+xml attachment: histogram.svg
Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2015 20:37:32 UTC