For what it's worth, SVG 1.1 already says "Authors should" always include a
top-level title element.
It serves the same purpose as the title of an HTML page when you view the
SVG in a browser without any accessibility tools. As Charles said, that
means it is the default bookmark. It also shows up in your browser tab or
window title, so it's easy to find.
When the SVG is embedded within other web pages, the top-level title is
currently inaccessible for non-AT users -- except for inline SVG, where
there are cross-browser differences about whether or not it is shown as a
tooltip (Firefox does, others don't).
On 1 May 2015 at 11:18, <> wrote:
> 01.05.2015, 17:13, "Fred Esch" <>:
> Charles,
> What is the purpose of having a title on an SVG?
> You get a usable title for the image, which is nice for e.g. working
> through bookmarks, etc.